INVENTOR Prof Dr. AATHI JOTHI BABU’s ambition is to create a healthy human race without the side effects of medicines and with strong unencumbered vital force. Through these inventions, he has helped many patients, who couldn’t get any help from any of the existing schools of treatments, to get back their fullest health. He has three decades of experience in the field of acupuncture, acupressure and The Panchaboodha Treatment. He have treated around 4 lakhs patients from various levels of non-curable diseases and disorders, including genetics through without medicines. He also having 33 years experience in Kundalini meditation.
He has promoted the complete health of the society for the past 25 years of service by implementing the patented treatment methodology called THE PANCHABOODHA TREATMENT. Having learnt and practiced acupuncture, he wanted to evolve complete method to diagnose and treat the root cause of the ailments through the five elements along with sixth element. That motivated him to invent this new method of treatment over and above the existing Acupuncture treatment methodology.